The designers of the EMPOWR 3D Knee® were among the first to study the knee during early flexion, providing new insight into how the natural knee functions. The combination of this new knowledge with previous research of deep knee flexion led to a knee replacement design which provides inherent anterior-posterior knee stability and recreates the motion patterns of the natural knee. The EMPOWR 3D Knee addresses natural motion throughout a full range of motion, from early to deep flexion, creating a more natural feeling knee for the patient.
The EMPOWR 3D Knee® creates a more stable, normal feeling knee for patients 25% more often than other knee implants.3 Additionally, the EMPOWR 3D Knee® reduces patient dissatisfaction by 50% and increases patient activity by 2 fold, resulting in happier, more satisfied patients.3
Proven Results
Designed based on the success of the 3DKnee®, the EMPOWR 3D Knee® System leverages over 10 years of clinical success and a demonstrated history of natural kinematics.
Melinda K. Harman, Stephanie J. Bonin, Chris J. Leslie, Scott A. Banks, and W. Andrew Hodge, “Total Knee Arthroplasty Designed to Accommodate the Presence or Absence of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament,” Advances in Orthopedics, vol. 2014, Article ID 178156, 8 pages, 2014.
e+ testing data on file. Bench test results not necessarily indicative of clinical performance.
“Replicating Native Knee Dual-Pivot Kinematics Improves Outcomes After Total Knee Arthroplasty.” R. Michael Meneghini MD - ICJR South Presentation June 2018